Mental Health Committee

The Mental Health Committee meets on the first Tuesday of the month, September-May at 3:30 pm over Zoom. Please contact committee leadership for more information.

Mental Health Committee Chairs:

Brandy Fenimore,

Mandy Leamon,


The Refugee Mental Health Committee is a multi-disciplined effort to promote and strengthen culturally competent behavioral health services, along with mental health literacy and increase access to equitable care for refugees and immigrants.


  • Serve as a warehouse for information and networking with the community regarding mental health for refugees and immigrants.
  • Improve access to mental health services and information by utilizing the Omaha Refugee Task Force website as a centralized location for refugees, immigrants and those working with this population to have access to reliable and useful resources.
  • Increase cultural competency by serving as a place for individuals to learn about and reflect on work with refugees and immigrants.
  • Build rapport with refugees and immigrants and integrate them into the committee to get feedback and help improve mental health services in the community.


  • A place for information and networking for those working to provide behavioral health services to refugees and immigrants.
  • Promoting education and advocacy for behavioral health services for refugees and immigrants in our community.

Why You Should Join Us

  • To improve cultural competency to effectively support and treat this population.
  • You have a desire to increase access and provide information regarding mental services for this population within the Omaha community.
  • To receive support from the committee when providing services to this population in Omaha
  • You have a desire to learn more about the refugee and immigrant populations and mental health.

Sign Up for the Mental Health Provider Registry

If you are a mental health provider, we encourage you to please fill out the form below.